USNC-URSI Meeting Minutes
In conjunction with every NRSM and NARSM, the full USNC-URSI Committee* conducts Business Meetings where important strategic decisions are made for future activities. The Business Meetings are usually conducted the evening before the start of sessions. In addition, the Executive Council† meets the morning after the sessions conclude, where feedback from each of the ten USNC-URSI Commissions is reviewed to inform decisions about future activities.
The following lists the formal minutes for each Business and Executive Council meeting.
January 2008: Business Meeting Executive Council MeetingJanuary 2009: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2010: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2011: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2012: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2013: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2014: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
July 2015: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2016: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2017: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2018: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2019: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
July 2020: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2021: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
July 2021: Executive Council Meeting
January 2022: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2023: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2024: Business Meeting Executive Council Meeting
January 2025: Business Meeting
*The full USNC-URSI Committee consists of the Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary/Chair-Elect, Accounts Manager, the ten UNSC-URSI Commission Chairs, six Members-at-Large, US members of the URSI Secretariat and Commission Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and various representatives to other professional societies and government organizations with interests in radio science.
†The USNC-URSI Executive Council consists of the Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary/Chair-Elect, Accounts Manager, and others appointed by the Chair.