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Past Chairs of USNC-URSI

The U.S. National Committee (USNC) for the International Union of Radio Scientists (URSI) is appointed by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM). USNC-URSI is led by an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary/Chair-Elect and Accounts Manager. Prior to 1999 the roles of Chair-Elect and Secretary were separated. The full USNC-URSI Committee is comprised of the Executive Committee, each of the ten USNC-URSI Commission Chairs, representatives to various professional societies and government agencies with interests in Radio Science and six Members-at-Large.

This page lists those USNC-URSI members who have had the honor to be elected by their peers to serve as Chair of USNC-URSI.

1965-1967 M. G. Morgan
Dartmouth College
1968-1970 Edward C. Jordan
University of Illinois
1971-1973 Alan T. Waterman
Stanford University
1974-1976 Francis S. Johnson
University of Texas at Dallas
1976-1978 John V. Evans
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory
1979-1981 C. Gordon Little
NOAA, Environmental Research Labs
1982-1984 Thomas B.A. Senior
University of Michigan
1985-1987 Robert K. Crane
Environmental Research & Technology
1988-1990 Sidney A. Bowhill
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
1991-1993 Chalmers M. Butler
Clemson University
1994-1996 David C. Chang
Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, NY
1997-1999 Susan K. Avery
University of Colorado at Boulder
2000-2002 Gary S. Brown
Virginia Tech
2003-2005 Umran S. Inan
Stanford University
2006-2008 Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi
University of Illinois at Chicago
2009-2011 Yahya Rahmat-Samii
University of California at Los Angeles
2012-2014 Steven C. Reising
Colorado State University
2015-2017 David R. Jackson
University of Houston
2018-2021 Sembiam R. Rengarajan
California State University at Northridge
2022-2023 Michael H. Newkirk
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory