1:15   |
Opening Remarks |
74.1         |
1:20   |
(Sub)mm-Wave Components and Subsystems Based on PBG Technology "I. Ederra, R. Gonzalo, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain, C. Mann, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom, P. De Maagt, European Space Agency, Netherlands" |
74.2         |
1:40   |
"Leaky Surface-Plasmon Theory for Dramatically Enhanced Transmission Through a Subwavelength Aperture, Part I: Basic Features" "A. A. Oliner, Polytechnic University, D. R. Jackson, University of Houston, USA" |
74.3         |
2:00   |
"Leaky-Wave Theory for Enhanced Transmission Through Sub-Wavelength Apertures, II. Leaky-Wave Antenna Model" "T. Zhao, D. R. Jackson, J. T. Williams, University of Houston, A. A. Oliner, Polytechnic University, USA" |
74.4         |
2:20   |
Leaky-Wave Antennas Realized by using Artificial Surfaces "S. Maci, R. Magliacani, A. Cucini, University of Siena, Italy" |
74.5         |
2:40   |
Advances in Tunable Impedance Surfaces for Leaky Wave Beam Steering and Adaptive Antennas "D. F. Sievenpiper, J. H. Schaffner, HRL Laboratories LLC, USA" |
74.6         |
3:00   |
Planar Arrays of Wavy Microstrip Lines As Thin Resonant Magnetic Walls "P. Mladenov, S. Prosvirnin, Institute of Radio Astronomy, Ukraine, S. Tretyakov, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, S. Zouhdi, Laboratoire de Genie Electrique de Paris LGEP-Supelec, France" |
74.7         |
3:20   |
Tunable Millimeter-Wave Band-Stop Filter using Electromagnetic Crystal (EMXT) Surfaces "Hao Xin, J. A. Higgins, Rockwell Scientific Company, USA, M. Kim, Korea University, Korea" |
74.8         |
3:40   |
A Uni-Directional Ring-Slot Antenna Achieved by Using an Electromagnetic Bandgap Surface "F. Elek, R. Abhari, G. V. Eleftheriades, University of Toronto, Canada" |
74.9         |
4:00   |
The N-Guide: a Novel Miniaturized Hard Quasi-TEM Waveguide "M. N. M. Kehn, P.-S. Kildal, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden" |
74.10         |
4:20   |
Mode-Matching Analysis of an EBG Quasi-TEM Conical Horn Realized by Strips and Vias "S. P. Skobelev, Joint-Stock Company ""Radiophyzika"", Russia" |
74.11         |
4:40   |
Investigation of Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures for Antenna Pattern Control "Y. Lee, J. Yeo, R. Mittra, Pennsylvania State University, USA" |
74.12         |
5:00   |
Ultra-thin Electromagnetic Bandgap Absorbers Synthesized Via Genetic Algorithms "D. J. Kern, D. H. Werner, The Pennsylvania State University, USA" |