1:15   |
Opening Remarks |
154.1         |
1:20   |
An Efficient Approach for the Analysis of Printed Geometries with Multiple Vertical Metallizations and Their Optimization "M. E. Yavuz, I. M. Aksun, Koc University, Turkey, N. Kinayman, M/A-COM, A Tyco Electronics Company, USA" |
154.2         |
1:40   |
An Integral Equation Based Algorithm for Analysis of Surface Plasmon Polaritons "C. Trampel, G. Kobidze, B. Shanker, Michigan State University, USA" |
154.3         |
2:00   |
"A Simple, Nearly Perfectly Matched Layer for General Electromagnetic Media" "S. A. Cummer, W. Hu, Duke University, USA" |
154.4         |
2:20   |
Parallel Iterative Solution Techniques for Integral Equation Methods "J. D. Kotulski, Sandia National Laboratories, USA" |
154.5         |
2:40   |
Fast Global Radiation Boundary Conditions Based on Non-uniform Grid Approach "A. Boag, U. Shemer, R. Kastner, Tel Aviv University, Israel" |
154.6         |
3:00   |
Numerical Evaluation of the Polarizabilities of Complex Scatterers with High-order Boundary Element Model "S. Jarvenpaa, P. Yla-Oijala, A. Sihvola, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland" |