7:55   |
Opening Remarks |
98.1         |
8:00   |
Electron Hole Resistivity in Space Plasmas "L. P. Dyrud, M. M. Oppenheim, Boston University, USA" |
98.2         |
8:20   |
A Preliminary Investigation of the Pseudospectral Numerical Solution of the Perkins Instability Equations "Q. Zhou, J. Mathews, Q. Du, Penn State University, C. Miller, La Follette School of Public Affairs, USA" |
98.3         |
8:40   |
Propagation of EM Waves in a Bounded Plasma Region "A. A. Helaly, E. A. Soliman, A. A. Megahed, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt" |
98.4         |
9:00   |
Quasi-Electrostatic Z-Mode Propagation Observed in the Two-Point OEDIPUS-C Experiment "G. James, Communications Research Centre Canada, Canada" |
98.5         |
9:20   |
Stochastic Model of Electromagnetic Signal Propagation in the Turbulent Flow with Resonance Absorption "V. G. Spitsyn, L. N. Kudryashova, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia" |
98.6         |
9:40   |
Noise Radiation of Electron Flow Interacting with Undulator System Electromagnetic Fields "A. N. Jezmer, B. P. Yefimov, Institute if Radiophysics and Electronics of NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine" |