7:55   |
Opening Remarks |
89.1         |
8:00   |
A Method for Wideband Direction-of-Arrival Estimation using Frequency-Domain Frequency-Invariant Beamformers "T. Do-Hong, Munich University of Technology, F. Demmel, Rohde&Schwarz Company, P. Russer, Munich University of Technology, Germany" |
89.2         |
8:20   |
Applying Direction Finding Algorithms for Obtaining Processing Gains in OFDM System with Multiple Receiving Antennas "H. Lin, K. Ho, M. Tseng, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan" |
89.3         |
8:40   |
Reactance-Domain MUSIC DOA Estimation using Calibrated Equivalent Weight Matrix of ESPAR Antenna "A. Hirata, H. Yamada, T. Ohira, ATR Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories, Japan" |
89.4         |
9:00   |
Argus: an L-Band Array for Detection of Astronomical Transients "S. W. Ellingson, G. A. Hampson, The Ohio State University, USA" |
89.5         |
9:20   |
Radio Wave Propagation Over a Rectangular Obstacle "C. J. Coleman, The University of Adelaide, Australia" |
89.6         |
9:40   |
Effects of Angle Spread in a Complex Outdoor Environment At 2.4 GHz "S. W. Ellingson, The Ohio State University, USA" |
89.7         |
10:00   |
Experimental Study of Near-field Beamforming in Conformal K-band Linear Arrays "R. Tulpule, N. Karnik, B. P. Kumar, California State University, Sacramento, G. R. Branner, University of California, Davis, USA" |
89.8         |
10:20   |
New Implementation of the Correlation Function of the PN Code for Application in Automotive Radars "O. Aly, A. Omar, Uni. Magdeburg, Germany" |
89.9         |
10:40   |
Fast Minimum Entropy Autofocusing for ISAR Imaging "X. Qiu, Nanjing Univ. of Post and Telecommunication, Y. Zhao, Nanjing Normal Univ., China, A. Cheng, DSO National Lab., Singapore" |
89.10         |
11:00   |
A New Criterion for DOA Estimation of Coherent Sources Based on Weighted Spatial Smoothing "B. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Chen, Key Research Lab Wuhan Radar Academy , China" |
89.11         |
11:20   |
The Pre-processing Method Based on Signal Conjugate Cyclostationary "C. Hui, W. Yongliang, W. BuHong, Wuhan Radar Academcy Key Lab., China" |
89.12         |
11:40   |
A New Adaptive Saptial Smoothing Method "T. Jun, P. Yingning, Tsinghua University, China" |