7:55   |
Opening Remarks |
56.1         |
8:00   |
Simulation of a FM Band Self-Structuring Antenna in an Automobile Environment "B. T. Perry, E. J. Rothwell, L. C. Kempel, Michigan State University, J. E. Ross, John Ross & Associates, L. L. Nagy, Delphi Research Labs, USA" |
56.2         |
8:20   |
A Comparison of Several Self-Structuring Antenna Templates "B. T. Perry, J. A. Nanzer, E. J. Rothwell, L. C. Kempel, Michigan State University, J. E. Ross, John Ross & Associates, L. L. Nagy, Delphi Research Labs, USA" |
56.3         |
8:40   |
A New 3-D MoM-Based Code for Solution of EMC Problems in Vehicle Design "F. G. Bogdanov, R. G. Jobava, EMCoS, Georgia, S. Frei, AUDI GE, Germany" |
56.4         |
9:00   |
Using the Fast Multipole Method to Calculate the Fields Inside a Motor Vehicle due to Communication Antennas "J. J. Van Tonder, U. Jakobus, EM Software & Systems-S.A., South Africa" |
56.5         |
9:20   |
A Comparison of 3-D Antenna Measurement with Hybrid Electromagnetic Simulation for Vehicle Antenna Development "M. R. Markey, Michigan State University, USA, H. G. Schuering, Fuba Automotive, R. P. Kronberger, Infineon Technologies, Germany, L. C. Kempel, E. J. Rothwell, Michigan State University, USA" |
56.6         |
9:40   |
Inverse Scattering and Superresolved Lithography "M. A. Fiddy, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA" |
56.7         |
10:00   |
Scalable Three-Dimensional Inverse Scattering of a Dielectric Target Embedded in a Lossy Half Space "Y. Yu, L. Carin, Duke University, USA" |
56.8         |
10:20   |
Detection of Hard Targets Camouflaged Under Foliage Using Millimeter-wave Radars "K. Sarabandi, A. Nashashibi, The University of Michigan, E. Burke, The Army Research Laboratory, USA" |
56.9         |
10:40   |
Nondestructive Evaluation of Embedded Structures in Concrete: Modeling and Imaging "K. J. Langenberg, K. Mayer, A. Zimmer, University of Kassel, C. Kohl, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), T. Krylow, Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing, Germany" |
56.10         |
11:00   |
Near Field Radiation Exposure Calculations from Ill-defined Antenna Structures "H. Ebersbach, D. V. Thiel, Griffith University, M. Leckenby, Icomms Pty Ltd, Australia" |
56.11         |
11:20   |
Analysis of Electrical Large Targets with Adaptive Basis Functions "Z. Liu, L. Carin, Duke University, USA" |
56.12         |
11:40   |
Radar Cross Section Control of Metallic Targets using Physical Optics and Genetic Algorithms "M. Modarresi, K. Barkeshli, Sharif University of Technology, Iran" |