1:15   |
Opening Remarks |
40.1         |
1:20   |
On High-Resolution TEC Derivation from Regional GPS Networks: Feasibility Study "P. Wielgosz, D. A. Grejner-Brzezinska, I. Kashani, The Ohio State University, USA" |
40.2         |
1:40   |
Testing a 3D Ionosphere Model During 2001 Solar Maximum Period "Z. Z. Liu, Y. Gao, University of Calgary, Canada" |
40.3         |
2:00   |
GPS Observations of Tongues of Ionization in the Polar Cap "A. J. Coster, J. C. Foster, P. J. Erickson, MIT Haystack Observatory, F. J. Rich, AFRL/VSBXP, J. Ruohoniemi, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, USA" |
40.4         |
2:20   |
Detection of Ionospheric Perturbations using Dense GPS Arrays "E. Calais, J. S. Haase, Purdue University, B. Minster, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA" |
40.5         |
2:40   |
Summary of GPS Scintillation Observations in Brazil "E. R. De Paula, F. S. Rodrigues, National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil, P. M. Kintner, Cornell University, USA" |
40.6         |
3:00   |
Studies of the GPS Signal Scintillation and Loss of Lock During Ionospheric Irregularities "L. F. C. de Rezende, E. R. De Paula, I. J. Kantor, National Institute for Space Research - INPE, Brazil" |
40.7         |
3:20   |
Low Latitude Ionospheric Observations with IOX and CORISS "P. R. Straus, P. C. Anderson, The Aerospace Corp., USA" |
40.8         |
3:40   |
Degradation of Signals and Operation Failures of Radio Engineering Satellite Systems During Geospace Disturbances Accompanied by Abrupt Changes in the "E. L. Afraimovich, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SD RAS, Russia" |
40.9         |
4:00   |
Traveling Wave Packets of Total Electron Content Disturbances As Deduced from Global GPS Network Data "E. L. Afraimovich, S. V. Voyeikov, N. P. Perevalova, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SD RAS, Russia" |