7:55   |
Opening Remarks |
19.1         |
8:00   |
Implementing Software Radar Systems At Millstone Hill "F. D. Lind, P. J. Erickson, J. M. Holt, B. Rideout, MIT Haystack Observatory, USA, T. Grydeland, University of Tromsų, Norway" |
19.2         |
8:20   |
An Ionosonde for the 21st Century "J. W. Wright, R. N. Grubb, N. A. Zabotin, University of Colorado, USA, M. T. Rietveld, EISCAT Scientific Association, Norway, F. T. Berkey, Utah State University, R. C. Livingston, Scion Associates, USA" |
19.3         |
8:40   |
Multiple Scattering Effects in Ionospheric Radio Sounding "N. A. Zabotin, J. W. Wright, University of Colorado, USA" |
19.4         |
9:00   |
VHF Passive Radar Interferometer Calibration using Targets of Opportunity "M. G. Meyer, J. D. Sahr, C. Zhou, D. M. Gidner, University of Washington, USA" |
19.5         |
9:20   |
"Ionospheric Irregularity Diagnostics: the Relative Contribution of Different Scale Lengths, in the Phase Structure Function Method for the Dynasonde" "N. A. Zabotin, J. W. Wright, University of Colorado, USA" |
19.6         |
9:40   |
A Study of the Distribution of High Latitude Absorption "A. Aminaei, F. Honary, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, A. J. Kavanagh, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA" |