Let the Computer do the work:
This CD-ROM was designed, created, and replicated by Facet2Yee, LLC. All the information on this CD-ROM was placed into a database and accessed by customized programs. Draft versions of this CD-ROM, which included all graphics and links, were created within minutes. As information, details, and formats changed, the database was modified and updated drafts created automatically. Once reviewed and finalized, the Master CD-ROM was created and over 1,200 copies were duplicated within 24 hours. If you are planning on hosting a conference in the future, please consider allowing us to help you meet your strict time constraints. We have over eight years of experience at providing tools to make your next conference hosting a more enjoyable experience. Our past customers are our best references.

About us:
Facet2Yee, LLC was originally founded and created to provide the community with services related to technologies that require Finite Difference grids. The Finite Difference Time Domain method as applied to electromagnetics became popular from the efforts of Ken Yee in 1966. Typical Finite difference unit cells are often referred to as Yee cells. Facet2Yee, LLC has the ability to convert from 3 dimensional grids, created by faceted surfaces, to structured grids that conform to the Yee cell requirements. Thus the name of the company states its first objective. If you need Finite Difference grids or CD-ROM duplication services, please contact us. support@facet2yee.com

Cover Art Credit:
Patti, Borcherding created the CD-ROM cover art.